Early Summer Lawn Care Treatment

As it turns out, we’ve had quite a long Spring.  Independence day is just around the corner, and the warm weather seems to be holding on.  I seem to remember that last year, we ran the air conditioner starting in May, then continued through the summer.  If the hot weather starts to bother you, just remember back to the winter and how the cold and wet gripped us right through March.  I’m resolved to hold off on any warm weather complaining until the end of July, at least.

FertMallet-WebAt this point in the season, Soundview has a few Lawn care recommendations which can be followed in order stay on track with your efforts thus far.  Our 21-0-4 Lawn Fertilizer with Mallet will provide you with a slow release feeding as well as insurance against grubs later in the season.  The japanese beetles are going to be in flight soon, laying eggs for the next lifecycle of their grub.  Bear in mind that the beetles find lush, irrigated turf to lay their eggs.  Our fertilizer with Mallet, applied now and watered in, provides the best protection against grub damage when the eggs hatch in late August or September.  The active ingredient is similar to Merit Insecticide which has been the proven grub preventative for many years now.

Are other problems starting to show up on your lawn?  This time of year, insects or fungus can also plague an otherwise healthy turf.  We offer a variety of Insecticide or Fungicide solutions to help manage any problems which may arise.
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Lastly, as the weather remains dry, watering will become a vital part of any turf management strategy.  If you have automatic irrigation, check to see that your heads are making adequate coverage of lawn areas, and that no leaks are occurring while you are asleep.  Set your timer for enough duration to soak the lawn through any thatch and into the soil without excess runoff to the driveway or street.  If you irrigate manually, remember that deep, infrequent watering is better than a little bit every day.  This means that a good drench every few days that allows the water to penetrate deep into the root zone will be more helpful than a little mist twice a day.  The deeper the water goes, the deeper the roots will follow, and your lawn will stay healthy and green for a longer period of time during any dry conditions.
As you enjoy picnics, the beach, pools or just some time off, reflect on the efforts and dedication of our patriotic ancestors who gave their all for our continued freedom and liberty.  God Bless America!